Does Your Child Need A Custom Mouthguard for Sport This Year?
If your child is playing a sport, then chances are they should be wearing a mouthguard. Find out which mouthguard is the best for your child and why it’s so important to include a mouthguard as part of their sporting essentials.
Purpose of a mouthguard
Some of the most common injuries seen by Parramatta dentists are those resulting from sporting accidents. Any contact or team sport runs the risk of dental injuries. Even solo sports such as BMX and skateboarding may result in dental accidents. A large number of the injuries caused to the teeth, jaw and face could have been prevented or minimised if the patient had worn a custom-fitted mouthguard.
Off the shelf vs custom-fitted mouthguards
There are three main types of mouthguards; off the shelf mouthguards, boil and bite mouthguards and custom made mouthguards.
Off the shelf mouthguards are readily available at sports stores and chemists. Available in limited sizing options and varying in quality, they are often extremely uncomfortable for children to wear, making kids more resistant to them. In the same way as an ill-fitting car seat offers a child less protection than a well fitted one, a poor fitting, off the shelf mouthguard will not protect your child’s teeth as well as it should.
Boil and bite mouthguards aim to somewhat customise the fit. They require softening the mouthguard in boiling water and then (attempting) to fit it to the child’s teeth. They are often narrower than custom mouthguards, providing poor protection to the jaw and back teeth. While more comfortable and better protection than off the shelf mouthguards, neither option compares to a custom-fitted mouthguard.
Custom mouthguards provide superior protection and comfort. Your child will be a lot more comfortable, compliant and happier with a comfortably-fitting mouthguard that sits perfectly against the teeth and is much less chunky than other mouthguards. The snug fit locks in better and reaches the back of the teeth, making it the best dental protection option for your child.
How are custom mouthguards made?
Simply visit your dental clinic Parramatta, and your dentist will take an exact mould of your child’s teeth. They will then use this mould to make a perfectly matched mouthguard. Often, your child will be given a rainbow assortment of colour options from which to choose, creating a truly unique mouthguard that they will love.
What if my child still has baby teeth?
Mouthguards are still important. Baby teeth hold space for adult teeth and support jaw alignment. A dental injury may compromise your child’s dental structure and be a traumatic experience.
Create great habits from an early age. Teaching your child to wear and appreciate their protective gear, including a mouthguard is key to a happy and healthy sporting future.
What if my child wears braces?
Custom mouthguards can easily accommodate braces. In fact, if your child wears braces, a mouthguard will aid against any cuts, nicks and scratches.
How often should I replace my child’s mouthguard?
A growing child will need to have their mouthguard reviewed and likely updated each sporting season. Visit your dentist in Parramatta for professional advice.
Give your child the best protection and ultimate comfort with a custom mouthguard. Contact Parramatta Dental Avenue today to book an appointment for a custom mouthguard today, ready for a great season of sporting fun!
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