Why do I have one tooth that’s discoloured?
Google can answer a lot of tooth-related questions. Some of the stranger ones relate to teeth that itch or hurt during your early morning jog. The former is probably a sign of tooth sensitivity, while the latter might mean you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep or that you have a sinus infection.
However, there are many questions that dentists can answer far more accurately than search engines, and when it comes to dental clinics, Parramatta is where you can find ours. Dental Avenue practitioners are always ready to answer your queries and to help you find the best way to resolve them.
We have two options when it comes to dealing with discoloured teeth. Our Opalescence Boost formula is good for brightening a stained smile, while tooth-coloured restorations work better when the target is a single damaged tooth.
Before undergoing any procedure with our dentist in Parramatta, you’ll be asked a series of questions to get your dental background. These questions may include previous dental work, including braces, fillings, or extractions.
For example, if you have prior fillings or composite veneers, these can still get stained. Stained fillings can’t be cleaned by whitening, so if you whiten the rest of your teeth, the veneer will remain discoloured.
Other times, the discolouration may be more organic. If you know anything about the layers of teeth, you may know that the top white partially translucent layer is called enamel, while the layer below it is called dentin. Dentin ranges in colour from whitish or yellowish to greyish.
Usually, when teeth are whitened, it’s the enamel and dentin that receive treatment. Sometimes, an artificial coating is placed over the enamel. The main colour that you see is the underlying dentin showing through the translucent Enamel. So, if your enamel wears away exposing the dentin beneath, then your tooth will be discoloured.
When babies are born, they normally have no teeth. But their jaws do have the framework for the dental formulae that will eventually poke their way out. When they finally work their way through the gums, babies develop milk teeth first. These start to fall out from around age six and are replaced by permanent teeth.
Since the permanent teeth were in there all along, they can be affected by experiences the child had in infancy, sometimes even in utero. In this case, the main factor is antibiotics. If a pregnant woman uses certain kinds of antibiotics (tetracyclines for example) or gives them to her young child, they can discolour some of the child’s teeth.
The reason all the teeth don’t end up discoloured is that each tooth has its own unique schedule. Permanent incisors appear between around six, but where formed and molded long before that. Wisdom teeth can reveal themselves well into your late twenties or early thirties, but they were formed in your mouth years before. As each tooth forms, it is differently affected by potential discolouration.
If you’d like to get rid of that discoloured tooth and even out your smile, give us a call on 02 80040055 so we can answer your questions and book your appointment.
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