Maintenance Check-Ups
A regular check-up will involve your dentist providing a deep clean to remove plaque, tartar and surface stains from your teeth. A dentist is better equipped to see any issues and have the know-how to recognise issues before they develop into something more serious – such as impacted wisdom teeth and decay beneath fillings. Issues left unchecked often evolve into larger problems requiring more invasive treatments and costly procedures, which is why regular check-ups are so important.
To keep your teeth healthy in between visits, ensure you brush your teeth twice a day with a soft, rounded bristle toothbrush, use a toothpaste with added fluoride and floss daily. Poor dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your teeth, but also overall wellbeing such as increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Your check-up appointments will present the perfect opportunity for you to approach one of our dentists if you have any concerns, or would like to know more about cosmetic or corrective procedures.