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  • Address

    Parramatta Clinic

    Parramatta Dental Clinic

    The Hall, 356 Church Street
    (Corner of Church and Palmer St)
    Parramatta, NSW, 2150

    Maroubra Clinic

    Maroubra Dental Clinic

    Office 1, 822 Anzac Parade
    Maroubra, NSW, 2035

  • Opening Hours
    • Mon to Wed 8am – 6pm
    • Thu 8am – 8pm
    • Fri 8am – 6pm
    • Sat 8am – 2pm

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a type of endodontic treatment, and one of the most effective methods of saving a decaying or abscessed tooth. Patients generally approach our dentists in Parramatta for root canal therapy when they notice certain symptoms such as sensitivity, chipped teeth, or swelling of the gums.


Root canals are sometimes needed for a cracked, injured or tooth with a deep cavity, or issues from a previous filling. When tooth damage impacts the soft dental pulp within the tooth, root canal therapy is often required. Root canal treatment involves removing the infected pulp and bacteria from the pulp chamber in the tooth in order to save it. After the pulp is removed, the tooth is disinfected and sealed. This dental procedure will alleviate any pain and prevent reinfection. So your teeth are protected for the future, it is recommended to have a crown to prevent any premature wearing down of the tooth as the risk of fracturing increases after a root canal.


Here’s what you can expect when getting a root canal:

  • Xray: If our dental clinic suspects that a root canal is necessary, we will take x-rays to gain a better understanding of the type of decay on the tooth and the extent of the damage.
  • Anesthetic: A local anesthetic is required if the procedure is going to go ahead.
  • Procedure: During the root canal, any old fillings or decay are removed from the tooth. Then the tooth canal is smoothed and hollowed. Finally, we make an incision in the tooth and the infected pulp is taken out.
  • Filling : Since the root of the tooth is now exposed, it is refilled to prevent bacteria from re-entering the tooth.

Root canals don’t have to be traumatic, our dentists at the Parramatta dental clinic are equipped with the latest technology and know-how to help you make the best choice for your needs

Root Canal Therapy Faqs

Root canal or endodontic treatment is a process whereby inflamed or dead pulp is removed from the inside of the tooth, enabling a tooth that was causing pain to be retained.

Dental pulp is the soft tissue in the canal that runs through the centre of a tooth. Once a tooth is fully formed it can function normally without its pulp and be kept indefinitely.

After removing the pulp, the root canals are cleaned, sterilised and shaped to a form that can be completely sealed with a filling material to prevent further infection. The treatment can take several appointments, depending on how complex the tooth is, and how long the infection takes to clear.

Subsequently a crown or complex restoration to restore or protect the tooth may be a necessary recommendation, as a tooth after undergoing treatment may be more likely to fracture.

If you have a damaged or injured tooth, root canal treatment may help to save it. Inside your tooth is soft tissue containing nerves, and blood and lymph vessels, known as the tooth pulp. When the pulp cannot repair itself from disease or injury, it dies. A fracture in a tooth or a deep cavity commonly cause pulp death, as the pulp is exposed to bacteria found in your saliva.

When the pulp becomes infected, it is best to remove it before it spreads to the tooth and surrounding tissues. The whole tooth may be lost if the infection is left untreated. Root canal treatment can save your tooth.

Your dentist at dental avenue may perform root canal treatment to find the cause of your tooth’s problems. It is a safe and clinically proven way to save teeth. The diseased pulp is removed, while you keep your tooth.

The pulp is the soft tissue inside your tooth that carries the vessels (blood and lymph), nerves and connective tissue. It extends from the crown of the tooth right to the tip of the root (in the bone of the jaw).

If the pulp cannot repair itself from disease or injury, it will die. A cracked tooth or deep cavity can allow bacteria to enter the pulp and cause pulp death. If the infection is not treated, an abscess or pus can form in the root tip. This can eventually cause damage to the bone around the teeth.

Initially, you may experience pain and swelling from an infection. Damage to the bone surrounding your tooth can also result. Without root canal treatment, your entire tooth may have to be extracted.

Root canal treatment may involve one to three visits to the dentist. A general dentist or an Endodontist (a specialist in pulp problems) will remove the pulp of the tooth. They will then clean and seal the pulp chamber and root canal/s.

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